We would love for you to become a part of our congregation and worship with us. Here is what you can look forward to if you attend Trinity on Sundays. 

Adult Sunday School – Our adult Sunday school class meets weekly, from September through May, on Sundays at 9:45AM to study God’s word using the current Present Word curriculum. The atmosphere is very casual, with lots of laughter and story sharing. New participants are always welcome!

Pre-worship singing – Join us in the sanctuary at 10:45AM on Sundays prior to worship as we enjoy a friendly time of singing, featuring the sounds of Pastor Jim Morgan on guitar, Tanner Capps on banjo and Hannah Capps on viola.

Worship – Join our traditional worship service Sundays at 11:00AM. Church members serve as liturgist alongside Rev. Dr. Jim Morgan who delivers down to earth, relatable sermons based on God’s Word. You can listen to our worship service live on Hometown Radio WLNC https://www.wlncradio.com/

9:45AM —   Adult Sunday School10:45AM —  Pre-worship singing11:00AM — Worship *Infant and preschool nursery provided during worship service.      

Listen to some of our praise songs we sing during our
pre-worship singing. 

Trinity Music

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