Payment Policies:
Trinity Presbyterian Schools is a non-profit organization. We know you want quality care for your child/children and we are here to provide a service and ministry to the community. In order to provide quality care, we must have sufficient income to operate. You can help by keeping your fees paid on time. Fees will not be refunded for absences caused by illness or vacations. If children are out, operating expenses must still be paid. This rule applies to scheduled closings, holidays and inclement weather as well. There is no refund or extended credit for the days your child is not in attendance.
Due Date:
All fees are payable a week in advance. A late fee will be charged if payment is not received by Monday of the new week. Cash, checks and money orders are accepted. Checks should be make payable to: Trinity Presbyterian Schools with your child’s name in the memo line.
Late Payments:
If fees are more than two (2) weeks delinquent and you have not made arrangements with the Director or Bookkeeper regarding your payments, your child may be unenrolled.
Returned Checks:
A fee of $35.00 will be charged for all returned checks.  If there have been more than two returned checks, only cash or a bank check will be accepted.
Trinity Presbyterian Schools requires a two-week notice prior to removal of a child from his or her program.  If notification is not given, payment totaling two weeks is required.
Tuition, as indicated on the registration form, is due even if your child is absent. There is no tuition discount for absences.
Late Fees:

The hours of operation for Trinity Schools are program specific: 
Child Care        —   7:00 am – 5:30 pm
Summer Camp —  7:00 am-5:30pm; 
Preschool         —    8:00 am — 12:00pm
After School —        2:30pm — 5:30pm. 

After 5:30pm (or 12 noon for Preschool), a $1.00 per minute surcharge will be charged to the late family and paid to the teacher that stayed with your child. 

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