We have so many different ways you can get involved and get to know the members of our church. Here are a few:
Saturday of Service – one Saturday a month we gather to alternate between cleaning up our section of Adopted Streets in Laurinburg or working on the church grounds.
Adult Sunday School – our adult Sunday school class meets weekly Sundays at 9:45AM to study God’s word using the current Present Word curriculum.
Women’s Circle of Seekers – our Presbyterian Women’s group meets once a month following worship for lunch and Bible study. 
Men’s Breakfast – our Men of the Church gather on the first Sunday of the month for their delicious breakfast, made on site by a small group of dedicated and talented Trinity male cooks.  In addition to fantastic fellowship and the best breakfast in town, participants are often treated to a guest speaker.
Church Community Services Collection Goal – EVERY month we partner with our local Church Community Services to collect food for those in need.  CCS tells us what food item they need most and Trinity sets a goal to collect 150-300 of those needed items.
To find out activities we have this month visit our calendar page.   

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